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About Us

About John E Hughes & Co.

John E Hughes & Co. is a progressive firm of Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors authorised by Chartered Accountants Ireland to carry out company audit work. In today's ever changing world, clients need to be confident their financial affairs are in good hands. At John E Hughes & Co this confidence is gained by our personal approach to your finances and from the results achieved by our advice and recommendations. In the current complex business environment getting the right advice can mean the difference between success and failure. Legally, anyone can call themselves an accountant. The tried and tested way to be sure your accountant is suitably qualified is to use a Chartered Accountant. Whether you are just starting up in business, expanding it or considering retirement, John E Hughes & Co. will be able to advise you on the financial and taxation implications of each step along the way. We are not just focused on your compliance requirements but will also work closely with you to grow and plan your business for the future.

At John E Hughes & Co. we provide accountancy, audit, consultancy and taxation services to small and medium sized businesses.Our clients range from new start-ups and micro-businesses to established firms in all industry sectors. We deal with the whole lifecycle of a business from start-up, through the years of trading to exit and disposal.

The principal of the firm is John Hughes, a qualified Chartered Accountant with considerable experience both in practice and business. A native of Sligo, John has held senior positions in practices in Sligo, Dublin, Kerry and Limerick before establishing his own practice in North Kerry. He also served as a member of the North Western Regional Fisheries Board from 2000 to 2010 and during that period was a member of its Audit Sub-Committee. This has given him an in-depth understanding of Government funded bodies and the regulations and reporting requirements of such organisations.

Our Ethos

  • Fulfil their financial and tax compliance requirements and solve their tax problems.
  • Help them grow and prosper.
  • Provide them with key information about the performance of their business to enable them to plan and manage.

We adopt a flexible approach to all assignments and tailor our services to meet the specific requirements of each client. We recognise the value of your time and we will meet at a location and time suitable to you. We also offer out of hours appointments so that we won’t interrupt your working day.

Why choose a Chartered Accountant?

Chartered Accountants are members of the Chartered Accountants Ireland, the premier body of accountants which promotes the highest professional services delivered with integrity. This also means Chartered Accountants are backed up by a professional institute who are there to assist your accountant (and ultimately you) with all the training and professional support required to meet the challenges of this changing business world.

The Chartered Accountant’s qualification is designed to produce well rounded business oriented accountants that are able to produce high quality and compliant sets of accounts, while also understanding the business and its unique challenges.

Chartered Accountants are required to complete on-going professional development training which ensures they are current on all areas of their profession. The professional reputation of Chartered Accountants is highly prized and jealously guarded.

You demand the best for your business so demand the best from your business service providers and choose a Chartered Accountant.

General Questions

Isn’t it just larger businesses that need an accountant?
Of course not, even the smallest business can benefit from advice on ways to minimise tax and manage their accounts. If you prefer, we can handle all of your bookkeeping, regular management accounts and VAT returns on your behalf. The added benefit of us being involved is that having prepared the books it makes the final accounts much easier, saving time and keeping costs down.


Working with an accountant is an added cost to any business. However, the cost should be offset by the value they add. We work closely with our clients to achieve their goals. By getting to know you and your business well, we can tailor what we do specifically for your needs and your strategy, thereby adding value.


We aim to provide you with a fixed fee quote that will cover the areas we will work on together. This will be based on the complexity and volume of the tasks involved. Should any additional assignments come up during the year then we will provide a quote in advance, unless the matter is urgent and it is in your best interests to take action on your behalf. We offer you the chance to pay our fees monthly and avoid having a large invoice in one go, which helps your cashflow. One thing is for sure, if you telephone with a query you won’t get a bill. We want you to let us know how you are.

If you want to keep your own accounting records, then that is fine. If you need some help then we can give you some training. Ensuring that you understand the best way to prepare your accounting information makes it easier for us to complete your accounts or tax return. If we do this for you then you can concentrate on running your business.


Sometimes it helps to have a fresh pair of eyes look at your business. We will listen to you and firstly understand the history of the business and then how you want to develop it. We can carry out a “healthcheck” of the operating systems, management and financial reporting in place; advise on any matters arising and recommend any actions required. All designed to match up with your goals, which we established at the outset.