Business Start-ups
We can help you start your business
If you are thinking of starting your own business, you should start by discussing your plans with an accountancy firm that can give you the help you need.
Viewing your accountant as a business adviser, not just as a professional trained in traditional accountancy and tax compliance services, will increase your chance of success and ultimately boost your profitability.
The more forethought you give to starting and running a business, the more likely you are to succeed. The vast majority of businesses that fail do so in the first twelve months.
It is vital to get good support and advice to avoid becoming a first year statistic.
At John E Hughes & Co. we can offer professional advice and support in the following areas:
- Investigating the feasibility of your proposed development.
- Preparing a business plan including profit projections, cash -flows and working capital requirements.
- Advising on the proper structure for your business – limited company, sole trader or partnership.
- Completing tax registration procedures with the Revenue Commissioners.
- Registration of business name.
- Presenting your business plan to financial institutions and other providers of finance.
- Incorporation of limited companies.
- Assessing your financing requirements and the appropriate sources.
- Assisting with any grant applications
- Advising you on manual or computerised books and records and choosing the most suitable system.
All businesses can benefit from quality management information on which to make the right decisions, but only a minority of businesses... Read More
We believe in year-round Tax planning to help minimise your current and future Taxation liabilities. Our Taxation Professionals have.... Read More
The legal structure of a business is essential when planning for the future. Many businesses incorporate into a limited... Read More
If you are thinking of starting your own business, you should start by discussing your plans with an accountancy firm that can give you the help you need.... Read More
At John E Hughes & Co. we also provide consultancy and advisory services on a wide range of business issues enabling.... Read More
Changing accountant is a major business decision and one that should not be taken lightly...
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John E Hughes & Co will discuss each client’s specific requirements and provide advice as to how best a business should be structured....Read More